Hi everybody!, for this post i have chosen a photo that i like very much. This photo was taken by my girlfriend with her camera. In this photo are my brothers Matías y Daniel. They are six years old.
This photo was taken in summer of this year, in february aproximately. I remember that those days we were in Casablanca, on vacations with my familiy. We rode on horses in the morning, and my brothers liked it so very much. They could ride on the horses alone, without help from us, but at the begining they were too afraid to do it by themselves. Later they overcome their fear and started to do it without us.
There were two horses, one of them was very slow, and we had to push him all the time. I think probably he was very tired. They are very pretties, the name of the horse in the photograph was "blanco", and was the older to both horses. The photo was taken when we went to deliver the horses to the ranch and "blanco" peeped his head to say goodbye to us.This photo was taken in summer of this year, in february aproximately. I remember that those days we were in Casablanca, on vacations with my familiy. We rode on horses in the morning, and my brothers liked it so very much. They could ride on the horses alone, without help from us, but at the begining they were too afraid to do it by themselves. Later they overcome their fear and started to do it without us.
When i look at this photograph i remember my family and my brothers, and i especially that day , because it was a great day whit them and with my girlfriend who took the photograph, and for all these reasons i chose that photo, and hope you like it too.