Monday, October 26, 2009

Election Day

I`m registered to vote in the elections since one year ago. I have already voted for the municipal elections last year. I think that it is very important to vote, because in this “democratic system” the minimal way to show your opinion is through your own vote.

Nowadays I don`t have to decide what my vote is yet, I have two options, ME-O and Arrate, I would never vote for Piñera, because I do not agree with his political option, and his “offer” for the country. And I think that Frei is not a good choice, because the “concertaciòn” hasn`t showed a good job. For these reasons I think that now it is the moment to make a change in the government. And this is the change that Arrate is promoving.

At the same time Marco Enríquez Ominami is an option for me because, he represents the change that the Chilean politic needs. He is a young person, and despite of I do not totally agree with his proposal, the important thing is that he is a different person, not like the others, or this is what he projects.

I have never thought to be a politician, because I think that politics is something corrupted and it`s driven by a little group of persons, and I won`t be one of them. Now, if I have to choose where to work if I were a politician I would like to work in the economy ministry because I would like to make a change in the society and make it more egalitarian. This is one of the problem of the Chilean society, among many others like the low quality of the health, the inequality education, the poverty, and the low opportunities to the citizen participation.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Summary from a career-related article from The Guardian

In summary, the article talks about a juror in Texas who pronounced a sentence against a man according to the bible. Now the question is how much the bible (and other sacred texts) can provide us laws and moral, or in another cases, sentences. Definitively, can the bible say to us how to live?.

In Texas Oliver Khristian was sentenced with the capital punishment because a murder 10 years before. The judges would have been based in a piece of scripture of the bible. Much of the judges admitted that they take the bible like a reference from where take resolution about many cases. One of the Jurors said: "the Bible is the truth from page one to the last page", in a clear reference to how to make sentences.

The passage in conflict is the n
ext: “If he smite him with an instrument of iron, so that he die, he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to death”. Also, this juror, apparently just one of a four-fifths majority of jury members who introduced biblical notions into the jury discussion later made it very clear that he was a firm believer in capital punishment, sentence that was used against Oliver Khristian.

The article finishes with an analysis about the connection between religion and laws and how faith and human rights could be extremely linked, for example how “prisoners the world over have held on to or even developed faith to see them through their mightiest challenges”. But principally the problem is when religion replaces the laws.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Criminal Laws

I don`t think that the capital punishment is something that reduce criminality. In my opinion a real solution to this problem of the society is something deeper than that. A good solution, for example would be a real rehabilitation for the prisoners. Now in the prison they learn new forms to commit a crime, and when they go out of the prison they are worse people than before. I am against the capital punishment, because we (and nobody) don`t have the right to decide when and how a people die (except in case of the euthanasia, that is something different) and this is not a solution to the criminality. I think that a solution is to develope stricter punishments to the criminal, such as more years in the prison (a life sentence) and a real rehabilitation program, from which once they are free they have tool not to fall in the crime again.
But in the middle the problem there is another thing. I am talking about the education and the poverty, these are the principal problems, a bad environment to the child, and in a country where there is a great inequality, and the differences between social classes, and the opportunities to climb to a better reality are very limited. In this context the people is obligated to commit a crime.
I am lucky, because I have never been a victim of a crime, but I have been a witness of some in the transport (pick pocketing), in the pick hours. Fortunately in all the times the passengers have acting by themselves and got out the criminal. But I know a lot of people who has suffered some kind of a crime. I am very careful in all the places and every moment.