Friday, May 15, 2009

My Utopia

The utopia is a concept that Thomas Moore used to decribe his perfect world, an island more specifically, where the state work for all the people, keeping the justice and equality for everybody. My utopia is different.

In my perfect world everyone would work for the rest, for justice, for equality and above all to ensure the welfare of all people. The people would work for the future of his soons and grandsoons, for his environment, for that they would see the nature that we have, the same animals, the same plants that we have the lucky to have.

In my world would not have wars, would not have guns, this things would be prohibited.

There would not be tears or misery, all the people would help to the other, no matter who are...

there are not hungry, the earth would give us all that we need to live comfortably, and peacefully, and with the work for everyone.

From this we can conclude that this is posible to make it real, because all the thing are giveninig us from the earth there are there for us, now the problem is that the people is not conscious about that. Every moment and every second more people die for the wars, for hungry, and the most of people do nothing for that, the govermentes in all the worl spend a lot of money in guns and wars, while in some parts of the world the poeple dont have meat or medicines..,

this is my utopia, that the people work for the world, and for the rest...

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