Monday, October 5, 2009

Criminal Laws

I don`t think that the capital punishment is something that reduce criminality. In my opinion a real solution to this problem of the society is something deeper than that. A good solution, for example would be a real rehabilitation for the prisoners. Now in the prison they learn new forms to commit a crime, and when they go out of the prison they are worse people than before. I am against the capital punishment, because we (and nobody) don`t have the right to decide when and how a people die (except in case of the euthanasia, that is something different) and this is not a solution to the criminality. I think that a solution is to develope stricter punishments to the criminal, such as more years in the prison (a life sentence) and a real rehabilitation program, from which once they are free they have tool not to fall in the crime again.
But in the middle the problem there is another thing. I am talking about the education and the poverty, these are the principal problems, a bad environment to the child, and in a country where there is a great inequality, and the differences between social classes, and the opportunities to climb to a better reality are very limited. In this context the people is obligated to commit a crime.
I am lucky, because I have never been a victim of a crime, but I have been a witness of some in the transport (pick pocketing), in the pick hours. Fortunately in all the times the passengers have acting by themselves and got out the criminal. But I know a lot of people who has suffered some kind of a crime. I am very careful in all the places and every moment.

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