Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Piece of new

The piece of new that I have chosen is that the pope´s sculpture that the university of San Sebastian and Recoleta´s municipality want to stand in Bellavista neighborhood was rejected by the monument council. The reasons are principally because the monument is too invasive in the area. This is a problem that comes a few months ago, when the residents of the neighborhood criticized the installation of the sculpture. But the problem happened since long time ago, and for other reasons. The residents are organized to defend his neighborhood of different “devil” strengths, like the economical power. The problem is that the University of San Sebastian installed a big building in the middle of Pionono Street. The new faculty means an increase of the people that walk by the neighborhood every day. To that we have to add the problems of criminality, drunk, and noise that the residents have to support every day and night.
The proyect of the University means a big chance in the structure of the neighborhood, demographic and visual effects, and the municipality permitted this project without the consent of the residents.
I liked to heard this kind of news because it means that in some way the asking of the people are being heard by some authorities, and the rights of the citizen are being respected. The people, like the residents of Bellavista neighborhood, have to express their problems and the authorities have to hear them. In the same way, the people is no
t alone, because are institution dedicated to help and developed the citizen participation, like Ciudad Viva. This institution is working with the neighborhood´s committees to make that the authorities help and heard them.

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