Saturday, June 27, 2009

My blogging experience

Hi everybody, this is my last post, yeah, the last post. Here i am going to tell you about my experience in this task.

In every post that i had to do, i had to apply many of thing that i had learned in class about english, and another important thing is that, the majority of the themes about we had to write were about our area, more specifically the social sciences, and this made me was motivated to do it. I enjoy it, because we had applying our knowledge about the english and our career. Also, the themes of the post were very funnies, and interesting.

Another important thing is that we had to apply, the use of the english in his written form, not only in his oral form, like we use to use in normal class. Also, i prefer this modality of class (blogs) to the modality of the last year, because is more interesting and funnier.

One advantage of the blogging in the english class is, how i said after, that we could have another use of english different to the english that we use in class, because we have more resources, like traductors, google (where we can search information about the theme of the post), pictures, etc. Another advantage is that we could to do the task in our rate, independent to the other classmates.

By the opposite, one disadvantage of the blogging is that over time, this became bored, because all the weeks we have to do a post, and this is monotone.

Anyway, i enjoy it, it was a great experience, and i fell that i learn a little more about english. Thanks for learn my posts, the time to say good bye has come...

Good bye for everyone, I hope you will fine...

Felipe Hugo ---- {The Man Of the Hour} ----

1 comment:

  1. Felipe,
    I’m glad this experience was more positive than otherwise.
    Please consider the following:

    a) Use a capital letter when you talk about yourself. Ex. I am; I have, etc
    (the themes about we had to write): We usually place the prepositions after the verbs: the themes we had to write about / What are you waiting for?/The house I live in/etc.

    b) Compare ‘fun’ and ‘funny’

    c) Compare ‘his’ and ‘its’

    d) (we could to do): Use the base form of verbs (go / see / be /etc) after: Can, could, must, will, would, shall, should, may, might, etc. Ex We can do it / I shouldn’t smoke / She could help you / I must go now / she might come/ etc. Never use ‘to’ after them

    e) People get bored/interested/scared (reactions). Things are boring/interesting/scaring (characteristics).
    f) After prepositions you have to add …….ing to the verbs :
    a machine for cutting grass / He left without saying a word / I’m thinking of going…, I like to do a lot of things besides studyING / etc.

    My blogging experience
    Hi everybody, this is my last post, yeah, the last post. Here I am going to tell you about my experience in this task.
    In every post that I had to do, I had to apply many of thingS that I had learned in class about english, and another important thing is that, the majority of the themes/TOPICS we had to write about were RELATED TO our area, more specifically the social sciences, and this made me (/) FEEL motivated to do it. I enjoyED it, because we had TO APPLY our knowledge about (/) English and our career. Also, the themes of the postS were very fun(/), and interesting.

    Another important thing is that we had to apply the use of the english in ITS written form, not only in ITS oral form, like we USUALLY DO in A normal class. Also, i prefer this modality of class (blogs) to the modality of the last year, because IT is more interesting and MORE FUN.
    One advantage of the blogging in the english class is, AS i said BEFORE, that we could MAKE use of another English, different FROM the English that we use in class, because IN THE LAB we have more resources, like traNSLAtors, google (where we can search information about the theme/TOPIC of the post), pictures, etc. Another advantage is that we could (/) do the task in our OWN rate OF SPEED/RHYTHM, IRRESPECTIVE OF the other classmates’.
    CONVERSELY/ON THE CONTRARY, one disadvantage of the blogging is that over time, this became borING, because EVERY WEEK we have to do a post, and this is monotonOUS.
    Anyway, i enjoyED it BECAUSE it was a great experience, and i fEEl that i learnED a little more about English. Thanks for READING my posts, the time to say good bye has come...
    Good bye(/) everyone, I hope you ARE fine...
