Friday, June 19, 2009

My favorite subject

Hello everybody, today we have to talk about the subject that we like the most. The mine is Chilean social history. This subjetc is taught by Gabriel Salazar, a great chilean historian. The subject is about the popular subject ans about the differents form that him had been throughtout history, the context in what has been uncertain, and his form to relationship with his society.

I like this subject because the popular subject in the history has been exluded, the traditional history has not considered to him, and the new social history is serching to give him the space that he represents. Is give voice to someone that hadnot it. The social history is based in the study of the relationships of the popular sibject, in his many expresions like peasants, miners, "chinganeros", artisans, etc. with the others actors of the society.

The teacher of this subject, Gabriel Salazar has received many awards, the most important of them is the national award of history in the 2006. This is a motivation for my to study this subject and take him like an example to follow.

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